Dr. Scott Fenton
Lead Pastor
I have the greatest job in the world helping others discover Christ; teaching life lessons from the Bible weekly; being a coach and confidante to individuals and families and providing direction and strategy for our church to spread the message of salvation and eternal life in Christ across the street and around the world.
Seth Fenton
Associate Pastor
From Youtube to Spotify, I’m passionate about bringing the Gospel to life for our Students and families as well as our Men! I’m praying for our Students by name and doing my best to invite our families to have a dynamic adventurous relationship with God!
Check Out HyperFenton.com 👀
Dr. John Borum
Worship Pastor
I love leading people in worship and seeing God move through music. The Meadows worship band is second to none—not just in talent, but in heart for worship. My goal is to create an atmosphere where everyone feels invited to lift their voices, grow in faith, and experience the power of worship.
Tanya Austin
Director of Children’s Ministry
At Meadows, we believe that children are not just the future of the church—they are the present church. I am deeply passionate about guiding our children into a lasting relationship with God. By investing in their lives today, we are shaping the future of our community and our nation. Together, let’s nurture their faith and watch them grow into strong, faithful leaders for tomorrow.
Dr. Matt Ramsey
Pastor of Spiritual Formation & Discipleship
I get to help every member progressively mature in Christ and participate in building up the local church at Meadows!
Regina Phillips
Administrative Assistant
I work in the front office answering phones and doing general office duties. I also publish the worship guide for each Sunday. I’m also a huge OSU fan!
Myia Billy
Financial Assistant
I record the contributions and make sure the lights stay on. I’m also a Licensed Counselor in Princeton, TX!
Linda Harvey
Learning Center Director
empower and lead our teachers as we prepare children to succeed by providing developmentally appropriate learning activities.
Karen Crawford
Learning Center Assistant Director
I help our teachers share God’s love with children and their families as we build relationships with them!