Give Online
Give Online ||
We are called to give as seen in the scriptures. The funds can be donated online or you can set them up through your personal bank account.
How Does it Work?
Members and guests can make one time contributions or set up recurring gifts.
You can create an account which allows ease of recurring use though this is not required to contribute.
Guests may contribute without setting up an account.
You may contribute using a debit/credit card account or directly from your bank account. Meadows Baptist is charged a fee for processing these transactions. In order to ensure that Meadows Baptist and the ministries we support receive the full amount of your intended contribution, you may want to increase your giving by 2.75% to cover the cost of the fees (3.5% for AmEx).
Why Give Online?
It makes pledged and committed giving easier. By setting up a recurring gift, your offering gets to the church on the date you want it to, whether you’re out of town, home sick, or you forgot your check on the kitchen table.
It’s convenient. You don’t have to be sitting in the church pew to give. You can send in your offering anytime, anywhere.
It’s green. There is no envelope, checks, stamps, or driving to the bank involved when giving online.
It helps the church plan well. The consistency of recurring gifts helps the finance committee and trustees plan expenditures better and not just guess.
It’s less work. From the counting, to the recording, to the trips to the bank, traditional offerings create tasks that are not needed for online giving
Common Questions
Is it Safe?
Yes, it is very safe. Our online giving provider, Vanco Services is a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 Compliant Service Provider, which requires adherence to rigorous security standards and comprehensive independent onsite assessments on a regular basis.
Are there any fees involved?
No…and yes. You will not be charged a fee to donate. But to offer this service, the church is charged 2.75% of your donation total. If you wish to offset these fees, you may do so at the time of your donation in the indicated field. Or you can bypass fees by choosing the ACH option.
What do I do during the offering time? It feels awkward not to give in the plate.
That’s a very valid point. You may feel like you’re not participating or that you’re not modeling a generous spirit. If that’s the case, feel free to put a note on your Connect Card that says, “I gave online”.