7 Year Vision
God’s 7 Year Church Vision for Meadows Baptist
Seven Years
Our 7 year church vision spans from Easter 2022 – Easter 2029
focused, intentional, consistent effort; 2,555 days; 364 Sundays
Our Church’s Seven Year Vision includes Six continents of strategic engagement with our IMB and NAMB missionaries as we partner relationally, financially and spiritually to spread the gospel, make disciples, plant churches and empower local and indigenous peoples in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia.
In Our 7 Year Church Vision, Ethnicities will be intentionally and strategically valued, pursued, discipled and empowered to grow and lead Meadows into the future. Though not limited to these ethnicities, these five will be the tip of the spear of our growing ethnic diversity: Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic and White.
Four hundred people .
400 People will be our on-campus, in-person, weekly attendance gathering goal.
Million Dollars
of ministry facility expansion and renovation. We need renovations in the worship center and Atrium and we need another multi-purpose, large space area that can accommodate meals, recreation and teaching/celebration gatherings. Our next building will be the first time we exceed the ministry square footage space we had at our previous location in 2001.
Two Satellite ministry sites
Two Satellite ministry campuses will be developed. Priority attention will be given to the resident community of downtown Plano and the residents of Inspiration village in East Parker.
One Rebranding
A rebranding of our biblical identity, ethnic diversity and spiritual unity as “Church on the Meadows.” While the effort to effectively represent and project our true identity to the surrounding community is ongoing and the daily responsibility of every member of Meadows, the rebranding of our community name would be a significant step. This fresh branding will resonate with our surrounding community in several ways.
It honors and preserves our 60-year history as a church under the banner of “Meadows.”
It highlights a valued and unique dimension of our geographical footprint of having 27 acres, many of which are natural and undeveloped. It emphasizes our Meadows DNA that focuses on Christ and the Scriptures much more than denominational designation.
It emphasizes our Meadows DNA that focuses on Christ and the Scriptures much more than denominational designation.
It removes a biased obstacle for outsiders who may attach misconceptions to a denominational designation.
It conveys a vision of creativity and freshness to our church family as well as to the surrounding community.
It will not change our core values, our functioning principles or our Southern Baptist identity and partnerships.
Zero Regrets
Zero regrets in living for Christ and for eternity! Jesus’ return is imminent; Meadows has been entrusted with much; our greatest days could be ahead if we are committed, united, focused and empowered!
7: Seven years of dedicated effort: 2,555 days; 364 Sundays.
6: Six continents engaged with our missionaries to spread the gospel, make disciples, and support local communities in North America, South America, Asia, India, Africa, and Europe.
5: Five ethnic groups—Indian, Asian, African American, Hispanic, and White—will be valued and empowered to lead Meadows into the future.
4: Our Sunday morning gatherings will have 400 people on campus.
3: Three million dollars will go toward expanding and renovating our ministry facility, including improvements to the worship center, Atrium, and a new multi-purpose space.
2: Two satellite ministry sites will be established in downtown Plano and Inspiration Village in East Parker.
1: One rebranding to reflect our biblical identity and diversity as a church, emphasizing every member's role in representing God.
0: Zero regrets in living for Christ; Jesus’ return is near, and Meadows has a bright future if we stay committed and united!