Light in the Darkness

Ladies’ Ministry Kick-Off

Friday, September 13, 2024


Join us for a great evening with food, fellowship, preview of ministry opportunities & upcoming events, worship, inspiring testimonies and as always some crazy surprises as we kickoff our new year in Ladies’ Ministry!

Wonderfully Fun

Join us for this year's Ladies’ Kick-Off! Enjoy a delightful evening filled with skits, exciting prizes, fabulous fashion shows, and hilarious moments that you won't want to miss! It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with other women in our church family and have a great time together. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! We can’t wait to see you there!


  • Our Ladies Ministry Kick-Off begins September 13, 2024 at 6:30pm

  • Meadows Baptist Church

    3001 Los Rios Blvd. Plano Texas 75074

  • It's Free (Please register so we can save your spot)

    We encourage you to bring diapers or toiletries (body wash, lotion, diaper cream, shampoo, etc.) to be donated to the Children's Advocacy Center

  • Absolutely!

Ladies’ Ministry Kick-Off

Friday, September 13, 6:30PM